Empirical legal research to test judicial decisions

In making legal judgements, Dutch courts regularly use so-called 'societal views'. For example, within criminal law 'socio-ethical acceptability' is used as a measure of whether sexual contact between minors is a crime or not. Within private law 'what is socially acceptable' is used as a criterion in tort law, and at the intersection of liability law and corporate law, societal views play a role in the question of whether a natural person's conduct can be imputed to the legal entity. However, although judges rely on views in society when making certain judgments, they rarely mention how or where they found those societal views, nor whether and how they investigated what exactly those societal views are. This raises the question of whether...

A bridge over clashing waters? Empirical legal studies bridging structural and poststructural feminist standpoints in research

During my time as a master’s student in Sociology of Law, I often came across the pretense that combining structural- and post-structural feminist standpoints in research is a nearly impossible equation due to epistemological and ontological differences. A clear distinction is that post-structural feminism challenges heteronormativity and the male/female dichotomy that structural feminism illuminates. For example, structural feminists aim to illuminate men’s violence against women whilst post-structural feminists approach violence in a more gender-neutral way.  Thus, differences in structural- and post-structural feminist...

Court Decisions: 99 % Uncharted Deep Sea? Mapping the Blind Spot of Digital Legal Studies over Half a Century (1971-2019)

Legal research increasingly turns to systematic analyses of large amounts of legal text. Current research programs such as Big Data Legal Scholarship, Evidence-Based Jurisprudence, Law & Corpus Linguistics, Computer-Assisted Legal Linguistics, and Law as Data all rely (one way or another) on digitizing or collecting, collectively analysing and quantifying features of text corpora from various genres. First and foremost among these genres are court decisions, due to both their normative force (either stare decisis, or de facto) and their easy and legally unconstrained useability: Court decisions are in the public domain pretty much...

Die Kodifikationsidee im Computermodell Maschinelles Lernen und Topic Modelling als rechtspolitische Orientierungshilfe?

Wie entdeckt man die Leitideen eines neu zu kodifizierenden Rechtsgebiets? Indem man zunächst diejenigen Gesetze ausmacht, die von ähnlichen Themen handeln und sodann ihre normativen Regelungsprogramme vergleicht. Beim ersten Schritt, so behaupten nun der R|E-Autor Tobias Gumpp und sein Mitstreiter Marc Pierre Schneider, können uns computergestütze Methoden helfen. Für eine empirische Studie in der neuen "Zeitschrift für Digitalisierung und Recht" (ZfDR) wendeten Gumpp und Schneider einen Algorithmus des maschinellen Lernens auf alle deutschen Bundesgesetze an. Die Studie ist vorbildlich dokumentiert, Daten und Quellcode öffentlich...

Berkeley 12 – 0 Stanford International Pedigrees of Private Law Professors in Germany

The European Football Championship of 2021 is afoot. Many people flock to watch the games - especially today, as the German team competes against Hungary, just hours after German chancellor Merkel publically decried a discriminatory Hungarian law. On days like these, it is hard to know whether politics or football take center-stage. But there's yet another fascinating game that I happened to observe recently: In a paper that got published a few days ago in the German law journal Archiv für die civilistische Praxis ("Archive of Civil Law Studies"), I studied the world of German professors of private law and undertook "An Empirical Inquiry into their...